Summer 2023

A summer of astounding growth.

In summer 2023, NSSI joined forces with more than 3,000 like-minded educators to deliver extraordinary learning experiences to more than 48,000 students across the country.

NSSI welcomed schools and districts from 15 states, with 29 partners, including Fulton County Schools, Ector County ISD, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools, Seminole County Schools, and New York City Public Schools.

Rapid academic gains

Students learned—a lot.

Students were given 30-minute pre-tests in both ELA and math on the first day of the program, and post-tests as the program ended, both constructed of released state exam items.

In just five weeks, students made striking gains in every grade and subject —gains large enough to move many students over the state's proficiency bar on the summer's standards of focus.

Literature gains

On a 100-point scale, the average class score in literature increased by 15 percentage points from pre- to post-assessment. All grades showed improvement, with average gains ranging from four points to 20 points.

Math Gains

On a 100-point scale, the average class score in math increased by 26 percentage points over the five-week program. All grades showed improvement in math, with kindergarten through eighth-grade student scores increasing by an average of 23 percentage points and high school student scores increasing by an average of 39 percentage points.

Praise for program quality

Partners are overwhelmingly satisfied.

Following each of NSSI’s three five-week sessions, participating teachers and administrators were asked to provide feedback on program effectiveness. Across sessions, respondents reported they were happy with their summer experience.

of teachers agreed or strongly agreed with the statement “I am happy that I am teaching summer school in partnership with NSSI.”

of administrators agreed or strongly agreed with the statement “I am happy that I am coaching summer school in partnership with NSSI.”

of administrators agreed or strongly agreed with the statement “The curriculum and lesson materials provided by NSSI for teachers are strong.”

Enthusiastic families

Prepared students, thrilled families.

68% of families said they were “very likely” or “extremely likely” to recommend other students attend a summer school that uses NSSI’s programming. Converting these results to the classic measure of customer ardor, the Net Promoter Score (NPS), yields a NPS of 51.

The Net Promoter Score is a standard measure of customer loyalty that examines the distribution of ardent “promoters” and “detractors” of the organization. Scores range from -100 to +100; a score above 40 is considered excellent.

Set up for success

Teachers and administrators praise program quality.

This is our third year partnering with NSSI, and I always rave about how much I love the program. I really like the curriculum—the way it is laid out, the training provided to the teachers about how to use it, the slides and worksheets provided. I also really like the weekly PD offered to teachers to help along the way. Most of my teachers who teach summer school end up incorporating what they learn from the NSSI program in the fall.


Summer 2023

The results are in.

Read the full report

© National Summer School Initiative 2024